The power of the subconscious
Hypnosis is a very natural state that we experience several times a day without being consciously aware of it. It is a trance-like state, similar to waking up in the morning or going to sleep in the evening.
During hypnosis you have your eyes closed and you are in a relaxed state. At this stage, the brain is particularly open to change, as the subconscious mind controls up to 95% of your behaviour.
The following topics can be dealt with in hypnosis:
- Weight change
- Addiction management
- Sleep disorders
- Sadness
- Fear of loss
- Panic attacks
- Examination anxiety
- Burnout
- Stress management
- Releasing blockages
- Dealing with the past
- Forgiveness work
- Strengthen self-confidence
- Allergies/intolerances
Hypnotherapy supports and shows its effectiveness in many wide-ranging issues. The areas mentioned are therefore not exhaustive.
On request I also offer the unique combination of hypnosis and sound. Through the work with sound your body and mind enter into deep relaxation. This relaxation is the perfect state to access your subconscious mind to make lasting changes in your life.
You can talk, but you don't have to... You are always in control of what you want to say about yourself. Of course, it helps and speeds up the therapy process if you want to talk. However, I also have hypnosis techniques that will help you and take you further if you don't want to talk about something.
CHF 220 per session
As an ASCA recognised therapist with a ZSR number, you can clarify in advance with your health insurance company whether they will cover your therapy with me.
Hypnosis is a scientifically recognised psychotherapeutic method that has been tried and tested over many years and is used successfully with children, adolescents and adults in various fields such as psychotherapy and medicine.
There are several studies that prove the effectiveness of hypnosis. One of the most revealing studies was published in the American Health Magazine. It compares behavioural therapy, psychoanalysis and hypnosis ("Psychotherapy Magazine, Vol.7, Number 1, Alfred A Barrios. Phd").
Recovery of 38% after 600 sessions
Behavioural therapy:
Recovery of 72% after 22 sessions
Recovery of 98% after 6 sessions
I have completed my training as a certified hypnotherapist NGH/VSH with the hypnosis expert Gabriel Palacios. Hypnotherapist NGH/VSH with the hypnosis expert Gabriel Palacios and am a member of the Association of Swiss Hypnotherapists and the National Guild of Hypnotists (NGH) as well as the Swiss Professional Association for Hypnotherapy SBVH/APSH.